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Introducing Indrajit Kundu, Emerging Photographer from West Bengal

Retro Kolkata : First of all Heartiest congratulations for your selection in Retro Kolkata Magazine Green Edition. Please introduce yourself. Tell us about your background.

Indrajit : I am Indrajit Kundu, 21 years old, I had just completed my graduation in journalism from Delhi University, currently I am working as a sub editor in the statesman newspaper.

Retro Kolkata : How important is photography to you? How did you start photography?

Indrajit : I started clicking pictures with my smartphone, slowly slowly I started getting appreciated and I also loved the photography so much that I started finding something new in every photograph. Photography is very important to me because it gives me the peace of mind and whenever I am with my camera i just get drown into it more and more.

Retro Kolkata : What motivates and inspires you as a photographer?

Indrajit : I was inspired by the camera of my friend in school and then i got inspired from the great photojournalists, and street photographers.

Retro Kolkata : Which genre of photography do you like and What inspires you? Which masters of photography have inspired you in your photographic work?

Indrajit : I like street , documentaries and wildlife photography. I gets inspired by the pictures which are meaning full and are meant to tell story and experimental photography is the best to innovate to something new. I get soo much inspired by my Mr Raghu rai sir and a star photojournalist Ravi Chaudhary sir.

Retro Kolkata : What type of camera, lenses and lighting equipment do you use?

Indrajit : I use canon 80d with 18-135mm lens and a 40mm lens.

Retro Kolkata : What subjects inspire you and prompt you to look for the shot?

Indrajit : I always search for a story in a photographer and a very new prospective of taking pictures which is not being used.

Retro Kolkata : Do you prefer black and white shots or colour?

Indrajit : I like both B/W and coloured photographs but it depends on the situation usually i like to take B/W pictures to express sadness or something incomplete.

Retro Kolkata : What is the best project you have worked on and how did you get involved with it?

Indrajit :The best project I am been doing is, working on a coffee table book which is gonna be published. In that book I am gonna show every moods of Delhi. Along with the culture, food and heritage of Delhi.

Retro Kolkata : Where would you like to be in 10 years time and what are you going to do in the next 6 months to get closer to that goal?

Indrajit : I would like to see myself as a photojournalist after 10 years because every photograph clicked for photojournalism tells a deep story. And i am going to work onto it from now and gain so much experience and contacts.

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We are thrilled to announce the upcoming 'AURA 2024 - The International Photography & Art Exhibition and Grand Felicitation Ceremony', following the resounding success of last year's event. This prestigious gathering will be held at Kolkata's renowned 'Nazrul Tirtha' Art Gallery (Action Area I, Newtown, Kolkata 700156) from January 13 to January 21, 2024. The event promises an international stage for artists and photographers handpicked globally to display their masterpieces alongside the mesmerizing works of esteemed artists from over 25 participating countries, all under the spotlight of national media.

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Step into the boundless world of art with Retro Kolkata Magazine - The Global Edition. Beyond a magazine, it's a collectible tome celebrating the global tapestry of creativity. Delve into seven chapters unveiling the wonders of artistry across different mediums, uniting readers in a rich conversation that transcends borders. Embrace this cherished keepsake, a luminous narrative of human expression and interconnected art forms.

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