One should have good idea for creating good content. People should love your outfit and the way you carry yourself. And working with brand might help you a lot but as a beginner first you need to make good profile on social media.

RK : First of all, thanks a lot for accepting our invitation for an interview.Please say something about you. About your career as a fashion blogger influencer &model. How did you get started?
Madhurima : Hard work is the key for everything. Being a bong I got a cultural background. We live In India, the most colorful & versatile country along the globe. I was born in an Orthodox bong family. Evolution is the rule of nature as a caterpillar turns into a butterfly in a suitable environment, i got that in the land of sweetest people and sweetest cuisine. The land of Misty doe, Kolkata. Then within the time, I worked hard and i started getting paid brand collaboration and shoots as well. And thats how I got raised in the city.

RK : You have an exceptionally unique look. Where does your style savvy come from, and where do you get your inspiration?
Madhurima : 'Mother' is backbone of a daughter, as I am a good observer, I always used to observe my mom and got influenced. I always wondered how my mom wore a saree. And curiosity is mother of invention. I used to read fashion blogs and I got so influenced. I decided to be a fashion influencer, and my journey began. My unique style is not only wearing fashionable attires or expensive jewelleries but it is also an art of emotion, life style.
As they say beauty lies in the eye of beholder. So, a torn, old piece of cloth can also be a masterpiece of fashion. All you need is an innovative and creative mind for being creating unique style.
RK : Do you see yourself as a “Blogger &influencer”, and if so, what does that mean to you?
Madhurima : Yes I see myself as an influencer because I create stories and I post no. of pictures in series on instagram. Trust me, it takes lot of efforts to create one beautiful frame. I need to build a idea and theme then I create something watchful. Being an influencer ,I feel great because i am sharing my idea on social media and people are getting influenced by me.

RK : When did you start blogging/ social media, and what was your motivation for getting started?
Madhurima : I started my social media on November 2018. I was new in the city and I had a breakup. So I wanted to divert my mind and I began Photoshoot and I started posting pictures on several social sites and one of mine post got viral. I felt amazing and well, I got my motivation from there.
RK : How do you get involved with your followers and find the best way to give them the content they want?
Madhurima : It’s very important to know what your followers expect and what they want from you. Well, so my answer is, " I think they love simple yet unique and attractive stuff which they can easily apply on them. So I create simple things which ultimately look unique and attractive".

RK : What are the three essential elements of fashion that every girl should have?
Madhurima : Three elements of fashion every girl should have :
1) Your choice regarding to fashion should be good and unique.
2) The way you carry yourself matters a lot. So your appearance should be inspirational.
3) Every girl should be passionate for fashion.
RK : Would you please share with us one fashion prediction you foresee for 2019 or 2020 – either mainstream or alternative?
Madhurima : Fashion trends are not always same. They keep changing according to season. So my fashion prediction for summer 2019 and 2020 are as follows:
1) Confetti flowers gown 2) spritz dress 3) fiesta dress 4) White shirt with floral palazzo.

RK : If you were to give someone advice who is thinking about getting into social media and the world of influencing, what would it be? How about fashion blogging?
Madhurima : My advice for world of influencing is, " one should have good idea for creating good content. People should love your outfit and the way you carry yourself and working with brand might help you a lot but as a beginner first you need to make good profile on social media. Yes your feed series n theme should look attractive and working and collaboration might help you to grow rapidly. When you do collaboration with brand n other renowned people, it helps you to boost your profile.
RK : What’s your beauty regime? Would you like to share some of your best beauty secrets?
Madhurima : I strictly follow diet and i do meditation and yoga plus i drink 8 glass of water daily .

RK : How do you stay in Shape?
Madhurima : I do dance zumba and drink lot of water to keep myself fit n energetic.
RK : Do you have a skin care routine?
Madhurima : Yes i have skin routine. I use natural remedies like lemon n honey. I also make scrub of honey and sugar. I use this twice in a week and that really works.

RK : We (Retro Kolkata) are trying to build one single stage for all the artists, because we believe that artists are the most beautiful creation of God and geographical boundary can never break their unity and harmony. Please say something about our initiative and any special message for your followers.
Madhurima : In my opinion, The Retro Kolkata has ignited the minds of people. It's an wonderful platform to show your hidden talent. It's a perfect opportunity to show that you are also 'the one and only' single piece especially when you have such support from this organization. And I am very grateful people who have been there for me specially my followers, they have always admire and encourage my work. So one advice I would like to give my followers that you must always love yourself. No matter how you look n what’s your complexion is. You should give yourself first priority because trust me you are special and everyone in this world is special so you are. And don't forget life is a gift of God to be used everyday. So utilize n recognize your hidden talent and use it each and every day to make a better life. Best wishes n love from me to my followers.

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