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Retro Kolkata Exclusive : Interview with Rasha Albeick, Fashion Blogger from Dubai

© Rasha Albeick
I started my page as Fashion blogger, but step by step I noticed a lot of girls and even guys are following me and are affected by my opinion regards to fashion and other things, so i loved be influencing people and I hope I can do that in the right way.
© Rasha Albeick

RK : First of all, thanks a lot for accepting our invitation for an interview. Please say something about you. About your career as a fashion blogger influencer & model. How did you get started?

Rasha Albeick : My name is Rasha Albeick, fashion blogger and clinic manager, adore fashion and in love with traveling, The journey of being a fashion blogger began with a simple and important decision. Which is that my Hijab was not and will not be a barrier in my life as a girl seeking to grow up and achieve dreams and independence Although all the girls began to remove their hijabis barrier to the realization of dreams ....but I decided to prove the opposite.

RK : You have an exceptionally unique look. Where does your style savvy come from, and where do you get your inspiration?

Rasha Albeick : Very nice of you to say that, thank you. I try to keep my look simple and easy to get from any girl, even when I choose the colors, I try to make them eye-catching and suitable for all tastes.

© Rasha Albeick

RK : Do you see yourself as an “influencer”, and if so, what does that mean to you?

Rasha Albeick : I started my page as Fashion blogger, but step by step I noticed a lot of girls and even guys are following me and are affected by my opinion regards to fashion and other things, so i loved be influencing people and I hope I can do that in the right way.

RK : When did you start blogging/ social media, and what was your motivation for getting started?

Rasha Albeick : I started one and half years back, I was already handling my clinic social media for aesthetic treatments, and Many people around me were impressed by my clothes and my Hijab, so I felt like I should open it to public and advice others how to fashion your hijab.

© Rasha Albeick

RK : How do you get involved with your followers and find the best way to give them the content they want?

Rasha Albeick : I do read all comments and all messages I receive, though I want what they want and what they loved the most, so I try to keep giving what they asked for.

RK : What are the three essential elements of fashion that every girl should have?

Rasha Albeick : Actually many elements should be in your closet to be prepared and ready for any occasion

1- the classic blazer is very important to be in your closet(multi colors)

2- casual dress for morning hang out

3- classic dress for your events

© Rasha Albeick

RK : Do you have specific blog/ social media influencer aspirations, and if so what are they?

Rasha Albeick : Sure I do, I would to have special fashion line design for Hjabi girl, giving Hijabi lady many choices for her daily look, without suffering of not having suitable wear.

RK : As an influencer are there particular brands you work with now? Which brands would you like to be working with?

Rasha Albeick : I worked already with a lot of brands who are taking care of Hijabi lady in their designs, Like DEDE STYLE, MODANISSA, ETC, and I'm still looking for motivating big and luxury brands to consider Hijabi lady between their design too.

© Rasha Albeick

RK : Would you please share with us one fashion prediction you foresee for 2019 or 2020 – either mainstream or alternative?

Rasha Albeick : As Hijabi lady I can expect for hijabers fashion

1- Oversized trench coats and Puffer jackets

2- Crochet dresses and footwear with jeans pants

3- blowy skirts

4- Neon colors

RK : If you were to give someone advice who is thinking about getting into social media and the world of influencing, what would it be?

Rasha Albeick : Thinking to get into the social media world is an easy thing, but to continue with that is such a difficult duty,

You should have faith in your ideas that you will present to the public, and I hope that the goal is not only fame, but also ideas to help people improve their lives, a simpler, easier, or even happier.

© Rasha Albeick

RK : What’s your beauty regime? Would you like to share some of your best beauty secrets?

Rasha Albeick : That's a nice question of you, my first and the main secret is my smile, believe me, it’s the magic of each and every engagement, people are looking for positive energy everywhere to help them continue their day in a nice way.

RK : What piece of advice would you give to anyone wanting to start a fashion blog?

Rasha Albeick : Make it simple, make it easy, do what you feel its right, and try to bring something new to the world.

© Rasha Albeick

RK : Do you have any upcoming events or announcements you wish to share?

Rasha Albeick : Not at the moment.

RK : We (Retro Kolkata) are trying to build one single stage for all the artists because we believe that artists are the most beautiful creation of God and geographical boundary can never break their unity and harmony. Please say something about our initiative and any special message for your followers.

Rasha Albeick : I would like to thank you for letting me part of your stage, its a great initiative to unite artists, bloggers, influencers, from all over the word in one stage, good luck

and I would love to thank all my followers for their support and trust, Ill keep doing the good work for them, and them only .


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