According to me, the best way to engage with my audience and to deliver the content that they want is by interacting with them, by conducting polls and question answers on my Instagram stories or asking lighthearted questions through my posts. Also, I try my best to personally reply to their DM’s. I like to build a connection through my posts and reply to their valuable comments. I always love to keep up with their wants and needs to deliver the best and keep my promises.

RK : First of all, thanks a lot for accepting our invitation for an interview. Please say something about you. About your career as a fashion blogger & influencer . How did you get started?
Sonali : I’m Sonali Mitra, a Lifestyle and Fashion Blogger and Influencer, based on India. I’m a ‘Glass Half-full’ kinda person. I only take lessons from my experience and I believe that we all must have one common priority in our lives, which is Happiness and it shouldn’t just be limited to ourselves, but for others success and well-being as well. To talk about blogging, I feel like there are plenty of fashion enthusiasts and talented content creators who give their best to help people out with Fashion and Styling ideas and hacks. Even I follow them religiously. When it comes to me, my enthusiasm is driven by the interest of my encouraging followers, who DMs me to make videos related to skin care, curate content focusing on my wardrobe and so on. When I work on my blog, my focus is to construct something personal and relatable to my readers, and at the end of the blog they must feel confident, secure and positive about themselves. My aim is to spread positivity through my work and I feel like it’s my responsibility as an Influencer to try and make an impact on people’s minds.
About getting started, well this happened one fine evening of March 2018, over a cup of coffee when one of my friends made me realise that whatever knowledge I have on the basis of skin care or any other fields, I should spread it to the audience that I had on that point of time, and she made me see a point that one’s knowledge should be spread amongst the people who need it. So, within a week, I created and launched my own blog and the response was very positive by God’s grace!

RK : You have an exceptionally unique look. Where does your style savvy come from, and where do you get your inspiration?
Sonali : Thank you for the compliment!
About being a style savvy honestly since childhood I always loved experimenting when it comes to looks. I get bored very easily, so I need to have something new or something different every time I get ready.
One day I’ll wear a sleeveless dress, the next day I GET TIRED OF IT. So next time, I try tugging that dress in my jeans and make it look like a top! Like pairing a denim with a shirt, then the next day I try that white shirt as a shrug over a dress. I’ve been doing few basic tricks like these for years, and like we all know, practice makes us better.
I believe inspiration is in every nook and cranny. It can come from a Style therapy video, or from the girl next-door, it can be influenced by a character from a movie or a Television series (my personal favourite category)! So, I keep my keen mind open.

RK : Do you see yourself as a “Blogger & influencer”, and if so, what does that mean to you?
Sonali : Well, Yes. I do see myself as a Fashion and Lifestyle Blogger. About being an Influencer, like I said earlier, I’m trying my best to spread positivity through my work and sharing my experience with my followers who have been supporting me since Day one. I feel if I don’t make a positive change in people’s mind then there’s really no point of calling oneself an Influencer. When some of my followers message me their kind words, and appreciate me for inspiring them in some way, I feel privileged.
My career as a Blogger means everything to me, because curetting content based on the subjects that I love, completely focusing on developing my ideas for my own projects, doing something out of passion is such a blessing!

RK : When did you start blogging/ social media, and what was your motivation for getting started?
Sonali : I started blogging on 21st March 2018 and I have been a part of social media since 2014 or maybe 2012, I don’t really remember vividly.
My motivation to start blogging was the interest of my audience and my curiosity of doing something new, interacting with my followers and spreading the knowledge that I have.
RK : How do you get involved with your followers and find the best way to give them the content they want?
Sonali : According to me, the best way to engage with my audience and to deliver the content that they want is by interacting with them, by conducting polls and question answers on my Instagram stories or asking lighthearted questions through my posts. Also, I try my best to personally reply to their DM’s. I like to build a connection through my posts and reply to their valuable comments. I always love to keep up with their wants and needs to deliver the best and keep my promises.

RK : What are the three essential elements of fashion that every girl should have?
Sonali : The three essential elements of fashion that one should follow is the Correct colour, Suitable Texture or Quality and the Shape or Fit. Always keep these points checked!
RK : Would you please share with us one fashion prediction you foresee for 2019 or 2020 – either mainstream or alternative?
Sonali : I see Neon (of any shade) to be an interesting subject in that case. Neon bodysuits or shoes for that matter, could prevail over Tie-Dyes comeback or even beat Snake Skin Prints!

RK : If you were to give someone advice who is thinking about getting into social media and the world of influencing, what would it be? How about fashion blogging?
Sonali : Firstly, believe in yourself. Secondly, try to think of the impacts that you would like to see as a part of the audience. Analyse both the sides of your subject, understand others perspectives. Be practical and most importantly, consistent. Influencing people is a great idea, just make sure that you feel positive from within.
In case of fashion blogging, explore yourself. Know your body type or shape, experiment with prints, colours and observe others in the process. Put your knowledge on the given blog. Address your problems (fashion related) then work on fixing them, and share this journey with your followers. Take baby steps, but be regular.

RK : What’s your beauty regime? Would you like to share some of your best beauty secrets?
Sonali : I don’t put any sort of beauty or makeup products on my skin. Although I need to get makeovers in case of a project that specifically demands for it, I still recommend my MUA to keep it as basic as possible.
To me, beauty is my bare skin. I love putting up sheet mask on my skin before my bed time. I’ve been masking since 2017, it never fails to surprise me with an amazing skin the next morning!

RK : How do you stay in Shape?
Sonali : Walking! I hate to walk, but trust me, it not only helps in managing the weight part, but it helped me get rid of fatigue as well. I try my best to stay clear off junk food, and drink a glass of warm water in the morning with a hint of honey and lemon in it.
RK : Do you have a skin care routine?
Sonali : Like everyone else, I follow a basic skin care routine. Washing the face with a face wash twice everyday, toner is a must, then comes my sunscreen and lastly the moisturiser. At night, I use my serum after proper cleansing and toning, followed by my night cream. Exfoliation is necessary twice a week. Homemade face pack or a peel off mask before my bed time is a must if I had a rough day or if I have an event the next day!
RK : Do you have any Beauty/Skin Care tips or Tricks to look fresh and rested for early morning Photo shoot?
Sonali : Hydrate yourself the day before your shoot. Sleep for at least 9 hours! These may sound cliché, but it’s one of the best and easiest way to be super fresh the next day. Also, try to put up a sheet mask for 15-20 minutes, before sleeping.

RK : What piece of advice would you give to anyone wanting to start a fashion blog?
Sonali : Learn about yourself. Explore and experiment with looks. Know your weaknesses (fashion related) and start working on them. Once you get the solution, you can build up your content with proper details. Start by talking about yourself and your journey. Be confident, and don’t be scared of making mistakes and asking questions because that’s how you’ll learn to do the right thing. Consistency is key!
RK : Do you have any upcoming events or announcements you wish to share?
Sonali : At the moment I’m trying to cover my outfits for an upcoming fashion blog with relation to Body positivity.
RK : Give us 5 fun facts people might not know about you yet.
Sonali : Interesting! Well,
I) In 21 years I have not done threading! As a kid I once shaved both my brows off using my father’s razor. I think that was enough for a lifetime.
II) I’m dead scared of mascara! My MUA struggles a lot with me for this.
III) I was a Yogi. I learned Yoga for four years and also been a part of few competitions.
IV) I’ve both Ornithophobia (fear of birds) and Ichthyophobia (fear of Fishes).
V) I always wanted to be a Dancer. Due to severe breathing issues in my childhood I had to quit dancing. Yoga helped me overcome such internal problems.
RK : We (Retro Kolkata) are trying to build one single stage for all the artists, because we believe that artists are the most beautiful creation of God and geographical boundary can never break their unity and harmony. Please say something about our initiative and any special message for your followers.
Sonali : That’s a very thoughtful and inspiring initiative by Retro Kolkata. We all must support one another and be proud of each other’s accomplishments. Reach for the stars and never stop believing in ourselves. I’m honoured to be a part of this winsome initiative and I hope you all achieve what you desire through your beautiful vision.
To my followers, I would like to remind you that there’s no such thing called ‘Perfect Lifestyle’, we don’t always show what crisis situation we are dealing with. Try to reach for Peace, instead of Perfection. Never stop working for your dreams. Hard work and dedication will unlock the hidden gateways of success. Admire yourself, you’ve come a long way. Lots of love and good wishes to you, from me and The family of Retro Kolkata!
Follow Sonali Mitra on Instagram